🏡Houses, garages

How to Purchase a House in PARADISE?

Buying a house will take place through our marketplace, where you can choose from a variety of options—from cozy apartments with unique interiors to luxurious mansions with spacious garages. Each house will be unique in size, location, and number of parking spaces, offering something special for every player.

Functionality and Features of Houses

In PARADISE, buying a house is not just about acquiring property; it’s a key to enhancing your gameplay experience! Here’s what awaits you:

  • Health Restoration: Your house will be your sanctuary, where you can restore your health after intense battles and explorations.

  • Changing Outfits: Customize your appearance and be ready for any adventure! Your wardrobe will be accessible right in your home.

  • Starting Point: Each time you start the game, you will return to your cozy home. It’s your personal base from which every journey begins!

Garages: More Than Just Parking

Your house in PARADISE may include a garage, and it’s more than just a place to store cars:

  • Vehicle Storage: Store and protect your collection of vehicles—from fast sports cars to massive SUVs.

  • Variety of Spaces: Garages can have different numbers of parking spaces depending on the house purchased.

  • Vehicle Upgrades and Customization: Garages will also allow you to customize your cars—from boosting performance to changing the appearance. Make your vehicles unique and suited to your specific play style!

Rare and Exclusive Offers

Some houses and garages will only be available through limited-time offers, making them unique and desirable for every player. Keep an eye out for updates to not miss the chance to own exclusive property!

Join the world of PARADISE and create your perfect corner in the game, which will become the foundation for your adventures and achievements!

Last updated